Credit cards made is to easier for us to shop without having to bring too lot of cash inside your wallet. After the presence of the credit card, debit card also emerged with similar functions, so if you need a few dollars, then you can take the money in the ATM outlets which now exist in every corner of the city, even outside the city. A debit card can also is used for shopping in the mall and other places.
Is your credit card is protected and secure? It turns out the data on your card can be stolen by the bad guys (syndicate), and do much harm people with the loss of millions of dollars in some countries. With these data the bad guys can shop using the cloning cards, so that your balance was reduced, even the maximum limit on your credit card can be spent only in a matter of days. Why this can happen?
Let's protect our credit card now.
Let's protect our credit card now.
Modus of credit card theft
Theft of customer data can be done in various ways such as they break into the bank's main server. They hacked into the bank system and retrieve the data transaction in a shop that caters payments using a debit or credit card. In this case, the customer data is stolen through theft of data transactions in stores. The store clerk is usually to work with in return for money (certainly) to steal your credit card data.
The data has been stolen (name, balance, account number to debit or credit card passwords) will then be duplicated and used by thieves. The bad news is: the banks are rarely willing to replace the losses suffered by its clients, although sometimes it is caused by the carelessness of the bank itself, even bank employees (insiders) in collaboration with the criminals. Banks prefer to consider the customer as a careless party. If you are going to sue the bank to replace your losses, then you will go through the process and the procedures are long and tiring.
To avoid problems in the future, you can use some tips and the solutions that described below, so you are spared from theft of data on your credit card or your debit card:
1. When you pay by credit card, please do not be careless and the always pay attention to the cashier that handles your card. Make sure the card is already in your hands when you leave the shop or merchant.
2. Make sure you keep it secure last three or four digit number on the back of your credit card. When making payment at the cashier for example, you need to ensure all the transactions running smoothly and the not suspicious.
3. Keep your shopping receipt, to be compared to your credit card billing statements. In this way you can know what the transaction that does not match the use of your credit card.
4. You do not have to always pay with a credit card. If still possible to pay with cash, then pay with coins or cash in your pocket.
5. Before you dispose receipts or evidence of transaction, then you must destroy or tear the receipt or evidence of all transactions using debit or credit cards. The data that printed in the paper receipt can be misused by irresponsible people.
6. Never tell anyone your PIN and do not let anyone else see the the combination which you enter when paying using a debit or credit card.
7. If you buy products in online stores, you must ensure that the stores is safe and can be trusted.
8. Banks will usually strongly recommend clients to change the PIN of debit card, then you have to change your debit card PIN periodically.
9. You must always be cautious and wisely in the use of debit cards and credit cards.
Additional suggestions:
If you are traveling outside the country, then you need to find information about the shopping center where the alleged fraudulent credit card transactions tourists. Singapore as tourist destination city and shopping paradise have been providing brochures that contains the name and address of shops that are not recommended by the Singapore Tourism Board to your visit especially if you using a credit card at the shop.
If you fall in love with products that are sold by the shop, make sure that you to use cash. Moreover, if you buy a digital camera or the electronic products in that shop, make sure the specifications and the accessories must in accordance with the Terms & the condition or the brochures. You also need to be careful when shopping in Hong Kong, China and several cities in Africa and the Middle East, Latin America and Eastern Europe. You also must be cautious when you using a credit card in your city. Remember the syndicate counterfeiters and the breaker the credit card turns out to be an international network and ready for action anywhere. Crimes in banking industry and finances can occur at any time.
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