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How to prevent hair loss and prevent dandruff

Not only women, men are also want to havebeautiful hair and do not fall off easily. You also want dandruff free, so your hair is always well groomed and healthy.
Prevent hair fall, shampoo, anti dandruff, healthy hair, tips to prevent hair loss, tips to prevent dandruff, healthy life
Prevent hair fall now. Image:
Dandruff is a skin fungus that causes your scalp dry, itchy flaking scalp up

The irritation of the scalp and chronic dandruff can block hair follicles, thus inhibiting hair growth. And when the scalp is scratched constantly to relieve the itch, just the opposite happens, the roots of the hair becomes weak and even hair can fall outprematurely.

How to treat dandruff free hair and not so easy to fall out? You can follow some tips below:

1. Get rid of dandruff. Use an anti-dandruff shampoo that has a formula to keep yourhair and reduce hair loss.

2. Massage the scalp using fingertips plus make sure that you pour the shampoo perfectly absorbed on the surface of the skin so that it will stimulate the growth of follicles and blood circulation. This is the simple everyday treatment that you can do yourself to stop hair loss and stimulate re-growth.

3. Use hair moisturizer to minimize dry skin and peeling. Choose the right hair conditioner and according to your hair type.

4. Use a wide toothed comb as part of a hair care routine. This type of comb is the safest type to use both your hair when wet and dry.

5. Utilizing ginger for hair care: Ginger is an herb that is often so seasoning it has an awesome way of working when adding hair follicles to grow hair as well as hair loss can always be overcome. To process oil of ginger hair care, mixed with grated ginger and sesame oil. Massage ginger oil into your scalp, let stand 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

6. Protein essential for your hair. Did you know that protein can increase hair growth and stop hair loss? Begin eating foods that contain lots of protein like fish, or you can also drink a protein shake every day so that you will have a thick healthy hair.

Hair care tips, anti dandruff shampoo, vitamin for hair, anti dandruff tips, healthy hair, hair fall, hair loss
More hair care and treatment. Image:

7. The importance of vitamin B 12. Know that there is another way to stop the hair loss vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is very important to protect the hair cells as well as some that always healthy scalp. This vitamin can help the formation of red blood cells, which can help provide oxygen in your body. That eggs, meat, dairy, and poultry are a lot of foods that contain vitamin B 12.

8. Lavender oil is also able to prevent hair loss, due to the impact of calming lavender oil can help you complete loss problem and can be proven to increase hair growth. How to use massage your scalp with lavender oil 15-20 minutes, do it on a regular basis: 2 x 1 week.

9. Green tea can also be found to take care of your hair. Green tea is not only useful for slimming recognized, antioxidants from green tea reduce hair loss is very useful and very useful to give fresh impact on the scalp. The trick is: brewed green tea and let stand overnight to stale, wash your hair with green tea water to the entire surface of the hair and rinse with warm water.

6. Do not comb your hair when the hair is wet. Leave a routine to combing wet hair in the situation as well as due to sleep with wet hair can make more hair fall. Hair in wet situations tends to be more easily broken. Use a wide-toothed comb to minimize broken hair.

Additional information: A healthy lifestyle and a low stress also have an important role to prevent hair loss, and can free up your hair from dandruff disturbing your appearance.


  1. Awesome article about hair loss. We have to know the main reason of hair loss. Because if we are taking a cure and a chance of getting a good result is very low. So we have to know the reason behind the hair loss and have the proper cure for it. now natural remedy is the best for the hair loss. Here in the below article there are a few more reasons of hair loss.


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